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Halifax Man Jailed for 1970s Child Sex Offences

A man from Calderdale has been jailed for sexual offending against a child which took place over 40 years ago.    
John Gaukroger of Halifax was today jailed for over two years after a jury found him guilty of two counts of indecent assault against a single victim which took place in the 1970s.  
The court heard how Gaukroger would help out a children’s centre which cared for children in an afterschool capacity. During this time, he would also take the children on camping trips.   
The offences took place between 1975 and 1976. The victim was under the age of 10 at the time of offending and came forward to police in 2020 to report the offences.  
An investigation was launched by Calderdale’s Child Protection Unit and Gaukroger was arrested and subsequently charged in May 2023.   
He continued to deny the allegations throughout a three-day trial at Bradford Crown Court, but a jury found him guilty of the offences in May this year.    
Appearing before the court for sentencing today (Thursday 11 July), Gaukroger, who is now aged 91, was jailed for 26 months and ordered to sign the Sex Offender Register.  

He was also given a 10-year Sexual Harm Prevention Order by the Judge. 
The following is an extract from the victim’s personal statement which was read out in court:   
“These types of crimes always come with a stigma, I was nervous of what people would think about me, judge me, to this day I have not told anyone outside of my family. I was scared and feared people knowing and felt ashamed.   
“It is only now as the investigation has reached its conclusion that the pressure has been let off and I feel like I did the right thing coming forward. I feel like I have now come to terms with everything and since the case was in court I have had some of the best night's sleep I have ever had.   
“Since the initial report and speaking out, there is not a day I do not think about this incident and what happened to me. I think about it from the moment I wake to the moment I go to bed, it has had a big impact on me, my family and my relationships. I am happy this now has a conclusion, and I can try my best to move on from this now.”  
Speaking after the sentencing, Detective Inspector Vicky Lawrance of Calderdale District Police's Child Protection Unit, said:   
“Firstly, I want to thank the victim in this case, for coming forward and reporting the abuse he was subjected to as a young child.    
“Gaukroger forced his victim to relive the dreadful offences he committed against them by putting them through the ordeal of a trial, and I am pleased for them that the jurors saw through his attempts to evade answering for what he has done.  
“There is a possibility that there are further victims out there, who suffered as a result of Gaukroger’s actions, and we would very much like to hear from them.  
“Irrelevant of the length of time passed, you will be listened to, supported and we will do all we can to fight for victims and bring perpetrators to justice.” 


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