Covering all sectoral requirements through our ‘LiveOnline’ training platform.
- YWAM The King's Lodge
- G4S
- West Ham United Football Club
- Frontline19
- Accability
- Brighton Girls
- Frontline19
- Kensington Prep School
- Heartful Therapy
- London Borough of Waltham Forest
- Birkenhead High School Academy
- Norwich High School for Girls
- Streatham & Clapham High School
- Health & Safety Assured
- Portsmouth High School
- Limetree Solutions UK
- Eton-X
- Wimbledon High School
- Tribus Consulting
- Northampton High School
- Croydon High School
The Independent Safeguarding Service CIC is a social enterprise with a very singular vision: to enable a transformation in the quality of safeguarding in the UK. Our belief is that organisations which come into contact with children and adults should have access to everything they need in one central resource. This keeps staff, and those using their services, both safe and compliant with safeguarding responsibilities.
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