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Keeping children safe, helping families thrive policy statement

The government have published a policy statement outlining their guidance and legislative intention which will impact on safeguarding practitioners, making it an imprtant read.

You can find a full copy of it here.

The Secretary of State for Education introduced the policy statement within her foreward as follows:

Our government is on a mission to give each and every child the very best life chances. We will ensure opportunity, not just for some of our children, but for all of our children.

Children’s social care is a top priority because it has the power to transform children’s lives. Around five children in every classroom will need support from a social worker at some point during their school years. Despite committed support from social workers, these children are more likely to be persistently absent, less likely to go on to university, and less likely to earn a decent living. Their life chances have been weighed down so heavily by their background.

Now is the time for change. It’s my department’s job to support families, of all shapes and sizes, and to break the links between background and success. Our vision for children’s social care reflects our child-centred approach across government, where children come first and services are designed around the support they need to be safe, to be healthy and to flourish in life.

We need more families to thrive together, while keeping children safe from harm. The foundation of a loving family gives children the security and stability they need to live happy, prosperous lives. But all families encounter challenges. We will prioritise helping families, we will tackle problems before they become crises, and we will build on what we know works well.

Local government spending on children’s social care has risen by £4.4 billion over the last decade whilst preventative services have been hollowed out, in part reflecting a greater number of children in care. However, outcomes for children and families remain poor. This paper sets out our first actions to address this. We are focused on working with children and families, supported by multiagency teams, to deliver clear plans for each child and support to prevent escalating needs.

Our priority is to keep families together. But for some children, at certain times, the safest place to be is in care. There are pockets of excellent practice where care provides safe, loving and supportive homes. But sadly, there are too many homes that fail to meet this standard. A shortage of homes in the right places means children in care are often moved many miles away from their support network and loved ones. And the increasing number of very high-cost placements for children and young people is putting enormous pressure on local authority budgets. We will drive high and rising standards in care. This government will also never tolerate excessive profiteering. In partnership with local government, we will reshape how placements are delivered. As set out in our manifesto, we will strengthen regulation so that children’s social care works in the best interest of all children.

This important new statement marks the first steps of this government’s journey towards a children’s social care system that delivers the best start in life for the children who most need it. It articulates our vision for the system, and sets out our legislative agenda for this new decade of reform. I thank all staff in the sector for your hard work and dedication, as well as the many committed carers across the country. You are all vital partners in this journey.

Children in social care are too often left feeling forgotten, powerless, and invisible. Our opportunity mission is for them. We are breaking down barriers for them, and delivering services that will support all children to succeed, regardless of their background. I was lucky enough to grow up in a family filled with love. That was my springboard to success. Life shouldn’t come down to luck. Success belongs to each and every child. I want to build a country where all children grow up with the love, care and support they need to achieve and thrive. The proposals in this statement bring us closer to that goal.


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